Tuesday, January 17, 2012

AM workouts....

Hey guys. I know it's been awhile since I last posted, life just gets crazy sometimes...
So today's topic is AM workouts. For some people it works and for others it doesn't. I am NOTa morning person at all, but AM workouts are my saving grace. Today was a great morning workout, had my trainer at 7am and then CKO (I'll tell you more in a minute) at 830. This works for me because it sets the whole day up. I find that I make much better choices throughout the day knowing I just busted my booty all morning burning them calories. I personally can give a much better workout in the morning on an empty stomach, I know a lot of people say that's not good but for me it works and that is something I'm not changing haha. My tip for getting up early and working out is go to a class or schedule your trainer early. You tell yourself you have to get up because you committed yourself to go and then you get into a routine. Experiment with your body and see when it performs the best. Someone once told me it takes 14 days to develop a habit or an addiction and I think they were spot on because once you get into a routine like that your body craves more and in this case it's a good addiction. I've gone to my trainer every Tuesday and Thursday at 7am since about August, I think, and every once in awhile we have to reschedule and my body misses that workout in the morning. It's like "Are you serious right now? It's 7am why aren't you working me out!?" haha. So just get out there and start your routine

Ok so now onto what CKO is...it is the most amazing kickboxing class you will ever go to. They claim to burn as much as 1200 calories in one class and I believe I most likely do! What I like about CKO is that you get your own punching bag. I've been to many kickboxing classes where you partner up and hit a pad or everyone takes turns kicking one bag, I'm not saying you won't get a good workout at that type of kickboxing class but I want to beat the hell out of my own bag haha. I don't want to take turns and share. I'm greedy and want it all to myself!! There's a great instructor where I go to that makes you feel pumped up and guilty for not hitting that bag as hard as you both know you could. The workout can go for any fitness level because you go at your own pace. It's a great workout and great stress reliever. There are a bunch of locations in ny & nj so if you live there go find one and if you don't then open one! Haha I'm sure there might be similar kickboxing classes like this in other states. So do your research and try out a bunch, a lot of people offer a free first class so that's a perfect way to see if this kind of workout is for you.

Ok people so stop reading my blog and go do a killer workout, your body will thank you later!

Useful link:

*ps any type of exercise can cause injury, especially for first timers. So don't act like you know everything, because in the beginning you don't. There are still things I'm learning. Never be afraid to ask a question on proper form or technique. Because I'd much rather be annoying asking a million questions that injuring myself and not being able to do anything at all...


  1. I can't even make myself get up that early much less work out. :/ I'm trying though!! I've been getting up (not THAT early) and working out after breakfast. It's working better for me than trying to work out in the afternoon was.

    Congrats on your hard work though! You definitely inspire me to work harder.

    1. Haha it's not easy, but it's worth it! That's great though! If your day starts at 9 or 10 that's ok, you still started the day working out! Keep at it and don't feel discourage on slip ups, there is always tomorrow to try again!!
      Thank you so much! Yesssss I'm glad I'm inspiring you to become the healthy you your body deserves!!
